SAVAGE AMA Recap with Venus Queen Community

8 min readNov 24, 2021


SAVAGE x VenusQueen & Friends AMA Recap


SAVAGE ( is the first community driven and eco-friendly NFT media marketplace focused on Hollywood-quality video and photography.

With a track record of creating content for some of the world’s biggest brands and a combined social media presence of over 12 million followers, SAVAGE is the next generation media and content marketplace.

Main Questions:

aQua: Could you please tell us little about SAVAGE and what problem it aims to solve in the crypto space?

Luke Neumann: SAVAGE is the world’s first carbon-neutral NFT platform for photos and videos. We solve a lot of problems in the legacy world but in the crypto world specifically, we solve several key ones as well.

High gas fees ($10 to mint on SAVAGE), low energy consumption (PoS on Polygon) and 2GB upload size limits

aQua: So is it thought more like a stock photo shop where I can buy illustrations for my articles and website, or more of a portfolio for pro and amateur photographers?

Luke: Both actually!

aQua: Sounds good! Can you tell us about yourself and the team behind Savage?

Luke: Sure! I have been a filmmaker and Director for 10 years and have worked with companies like Amazon, Samsung, Adobe, Panasonic and more. Our team is full of passionate creators that have built large social media followings and know the pressure points in the industry. We are not only looking to disrupt but to give power back to the artists.

aQua: I saw that your website and documentation insists on the “carbon neutral” part. How do you measure your footprint?

Luke: We are partnering with the Crypto Climate Accord and have built tools to measure every transaction on the marketplace!

aQua: So your goal is to create NFT Marketplace and bring awesome artists who will create high quallity NFTs/NTF videos. Is community involved in the project too, can they mint NFTs and put them on the marketplace?

Luke: Of course! Smartphone cameras are getting better every year and everyone is now a photographer or filmmaker.

aQua: Great, thank you! What type of content is Savage most suitable for? Is it Photography and Video only, or can it be used for other arts and purposes as well?

Luke: Mostly photo and video as those are the two major markets we are involved in and haven’t jumped into the crypto/NFT space yet. We will move into music as well as traditional art. At this point we are focusing on the two big ones though (Photo/Video)

aQua: Got it, nice to hear that. Always good to expand the reach and target a wider audience.

aQua: Can you tell us more about the Crypto Climate Accord and your collaboration?

Luke: Sure, the Crypto Climate Accord is a collection of crypto market participants that make a public commitment to achieve net-zero emissions from electricity consumption associated with all of their respective crypto-related operations by 2030. This is a growing community with some of the biggest players in crypto.

aQua: Interesting, this is the first time I am hearing about it.

Erifmaz: Intellectual property is something that is taken very seriously among photographers. How do you plan on protecting the works of art displayed on Savage? Will the EXIF data be available publicly?

Luke: This is a serious matter for us as well. We have operated SAVAGE as a legacy stock media company for 3 years and almost every client we work with wants “exclusive rights”. We will be one of the first (if not THE first) NFT marketplace to bake Rights Managed Contracts into the Metadata of the NFTs. This protects both buyer and seller!

aQua: Any possibility to make a partnership with National geographic or somebody similar outside the crypto world then?

Luke: Very possible. One of our main goals is to bring major brands over into the space. We have personal working connections with almost all of them so it comes down to making the platform easy to use for non-crypto people (which we have done with Stripe payment integration and some other features)

Niall: Hey Luke, how decentralised is the platform? Is there any moderation of the content that is published?

Luke: It has to be a little more centralized at the start but we are building it so that it will eventually be a DAO. So, with full decentralization on the roadmap, it’s all about scaling and making sure the systems work correctly before taking our hands off. If that makes sense.

Erifmaz: When one says “photo and video” today, he thinks of Instagram and Tiktok. I saw in your roadmap an integration with the Instagram API. Can you please develop a bit on that?

Luke: For sure, we want to make the NFT minting process easy and mobile friendly. Being able to take your post from the social platform and in one click, mint the NFT on SAVAGE, would erase many steps and make the process more fluid!

aQua: so how can I pay on the marketplace, using any coin or I can buy only using Savage tokens?

Luke: $SAVG gets you a 20% discount as well as many other features (staking, community rewards, DAO governance). We also are accepting VISA (via Stripe), WBTC, USDC, USDT, MATIC

Niall: Why did you choose Polygon over say ImmutableX?

Luke: We needed to be EVM compatible for the bridge to ETH 2.0. All NFT volume lives on ETH 2.0 and I believe it always will. We wanted the best PoS chain available now that had the easiest pathway to ETH 2.0

C A: Interesting! Can anyone sign in, amateur or professional, and monetise their content? Is there a vetting procedure for the content creators?

Luke: Absolutely anyone can. We have some limits on the types of content you can submit (no offensive/harmful content etc). People are doing some incredible things with iPhones though, SAVAGE is for everyone

C A: Awesome, great to hear that. :)

aQua: I’ve seen you mentioned Tezos Chain in Pitch Deck, interesting, why did you choose Tezos chain?

Luke: We were very keen on Tezos for a while (must be an old deck) but at the end of the day we needed the bridge to ETH 2.0

Niall: You mention 2GB file uploads, is that stored in IPFS using Arweave or Filecoin? Or what is the storage solution?

Erifmaz: I think that BLZ/Bluezelle does file hosting solutions too

Luke: We are using AmazonS3 at launch. This is often one of the more lively discussions we have internally but to remain carbon neutral and to keep fees low, the current decentralized options are simply not advanced enough to allow any of the things we are doing

aQua: I’ve read 5% of every Savage sale will be directly donated to non-profit organization focused on environmental sustainability, who will choose the organizaton, your team or will there be voting in the community?

Luke: This is something we are working on with the Crypto Climate Accord and another (to be announced) partner. For now, we are focusing on wind and solar in North America but have plans to build some features where the buyer/seller can choose the location and the NPO of their choice!

So your David Attenborough cat video could go to Feline Rescue in your area. Or something :)

C A: Can you tell us about some of the main features we are going to see on the Savage platform?

Luke: 98% creator payouts, $10 flat NFT minting, Rights Managed Contracts in the NFT metadata, 2GB uploads, Team NFTs and Zero Emissions!

aQua: Right now metaverse and p2e is very popular in crypto, how will you market your project to attract people to use the platform?

Luke: *shares private video*

aQua: Nice

C A:Nice!!

Luke: That’s still private so…only for VenusQueen community :)

Efrimaz: Is that a TV show? 😬

Luke: an NFT commercial :)

Erifmaz: Nice !

aQua: Are your smart contracts audited by third party?

Luke: Going through the process right now with Zokyo

aQua: I see

aQua: Can you tell our community when is IDO and where can they buy the token?

Luke: I wish I could spill the beans and tell you the IDO date but we are building up PR around it. It will be before Christmas, that’s all I can say right now. Sorry.

Erifmaz: @lukesavg, we have one staple question that we ask all our AMA participants : you meet the real Satoshi Nakamoto, he’s there right in front of you.

What’s the only one question that you always wanted to ask him? 😉

Luke: Did you know?

aQua: Thank you Luke for being here today, that’s all from our side, I’d like to open the chat now so if you can time filter and answer questions from our community.

Luke: Thanks for having me!

C A: Thanks Luke! It was a pleasure 😊

Community Questions:

GABRIEL: How does SAVAGE build a thriving community that truly cares and supports the project for a long time, rather than just making temporary profits? ️ Are there any plans to better connect with the community? Just like any other type of social media system, where can people share ideas and suggestions? Because we know the power of the community to make famous projects easy to achieve common goals and benefits?

Luke: This is where I think we really stand out. The photographers, filmmakers and brands we work with are always shooting and always need new content. It’s an endless cycle. Each time someone mints and NFT or buys/sells one, there is a purchase of $SAVG happening. We will be doing photo/video competitions with the community where they can win opportunities to work with “Hero Creators” and win first edition NFT’s or even have their work seen and analyzed by big creators.

Vulas: Did you consider community feedback/requests during the creation of your product in order to expand on fresh ideas for your project? Many projects fail because the target audience and clients are not understood. So I’d like to know who your ideal consumer is for your product?

Luke: Absolutely! Since everyone on our team is also a creator and contributor, it helps because we all know the market and what the needs are for creators.

Mynameis missjutha: my question : Mentioned that Savage is the first community driven and eco-friendly NFT Media marketplace focused on hollywood-quality video and photography.

Would you tell us more about this? How can the community be more involved and contribute to the Savage project? What are the supporting factors that Savage is environmentally friendly? and is it only the Hollywood industry that Savage is currently focusing on? What about Bollywood, Hong Kong and other country film industries?

Luke: Anyone can upload to SAVAGE, we are working with creators from around the globe to engage photographers and filmmakers on our marketplace!

Crypto Anim: Why does Savage define itself as an ecological or carbon neutral project? How can you create a zero emission market?

Luke: It’s a core value of our team and all of the “Hero Creators”. It’s also a requirement from the major brands we work with. I was having a conversation with someone at one of the biggest companies in the world about purchasing an NFT from SAVAGE and their first response was “I thought NFTs were terrible for the environment?”. It’s something the crypto and NFT community need to address if we want mass adoption among brands and content creators.

CryptoAnim: Hmm.. quite true. I love this!

Callmesudit: Can you give an overview of your Tokenomics, and the UTILITY of Token?

Luke: We have not released any of that publicly yet and it will be a PR story when we do. So I can’t share it just yet :) Very soon, please subscribe to our socials:

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C A: Thank you for your time today @lukesavg and for answering community’s questions! It was nice learning more about SAVAGE. We wish you all the very best and good luck with everything coming up.

Luke: Thank you everyone, I had a great time!

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Written by SAVAGE

SAVAGE is the world’s first carbon-neutral NFT marketplace for video and photography.

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